Ladies & gentlemen – I bring you a blog that has absolutely nothing to do with water, for a change! No flooding, no leaky roofs and no damage caused by slugs sheltering from the rain. All of tonight’s blog content is about electrical issues caused by other things, in the first instance a very slapdash approach from an employee of a major electrical good retailer.
Neil was asked to a customer’s home to install their new cooker which had been delivered that week by said retailer. All looked well, and the old appliance had been removed by the driver and his assistant so it looked as though a simple installation job was all that was needed. However, when Neil looked at how they had disconnected the old cooker from the mains he found something rather surprising.
They had literally cut the internal cooker cables and then ripped the main connector out of the cooker and left it behind, still attached to the main electrical supply! If the unsuspecting homeowner had turned on the cooker switch without thinking and then someone later touched the connector, the results would have been shocking, literally. This is so incredibly dangerous and slapdash that Neil was rather lost for words. Suffice to say the customer was relieved to have an experienced electrician on hand to make safe and remove the old main connector. We believe a strongly-worded letter of complaint is en route to the retailer as we write this.
Aside from that little incident, the weeks have passed with the usual mix of commercial and domestic call outs across Hampshire and the Solent – Neil’s been to homes, shops, nursing homes, hotels, bars and warehouses. The fun never stops! So remember – if you need an electrician don’t hesitate to call Neil at any time of the night or day.